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Deals & Discounts

Here you'll find some ongoing deals and discounts. Click the link or use the code to save.

Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates)
The number one way I get major savings online is through Rakuten. I used to see the commercials and thought there had to be a catch but there isn't. I get back at least $50 yearly depending on how much online shopping I do. I don't know why I didn't start using it sooner. So here's how it works:
1. Sign up
2. Shop through the Rakuten home page or app
3. Make your purchase and with your first $25+ order you will receive a bonus gift card of your choice plus cash back
4. Repeat to keep earning cash back on all your eligible online orders and now even on some in-store purchases as well.


Coloured Raine
Use code "LIPDRAMA" to save 10% off your order

Use code "LIPDRAMA" to save 10% off your order


Do you shop at these stores below? If so, please consider shopping via the my affiliate links. A small percentage from each sale is earned as commission, which helps support Lip Drama.
