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NEW ColourPop Holiday 2015 Ultra Matte Lips

by - November 18, 2015

Image Credit: @makeupbyjesi

On the heels of their latest release, the Boogie Nights Collection, ColourPop has more new releases for us still. This time we're getting four new Ultra Matte Lip shades. If you haven't tried ColourPop Ultra Mattes before you can check out my review here on some of the original shades. Otherwise, let's get on to these swatches.
ColourPop Holiday 2015 Ultra Matte Lip swatches
Image Credit: @youngwildandpolished and @ckey_beauty
  • Platform, peach nude
  • Teeny Tiny, dark mauve
  • Scrooge, warm fuchsia
  • Silhouette, blood red
Image Credit: @makeupbyjesi
I posted a picture on Instagram of these swatches already and Ive seen a few comments in regards to the fact that ColourPop releases shades that look very similar to previous releases. There are so many colors in the world and so when you start releases more shades in the popular/common range then you're gonna start having some shades that look very similar. There are only so many nudes-brown shades people. But anyway heres some comparison swatches below (find more on her page) so you can decide for yourself if you actually need these new shades or not.
ColourPop Holiday 2015 Ultra Matte Lip comparison swatches
Image Credit: @makeupbyjesi
Get these shades starting later today, November 18th here.

Happy hunting!

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