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SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Collection Now at Ulta!

by - October 23, 2014

I have heard so many good things about the new Jamaican Black Castor Oil line from SheaMoisture, one of my fave brands to use on my hair and skin too. But it was only available through their website or in store at CVS.  However, searching for something at Target.com I saw they had the shampoo from the JBCO line available. But only the shampoo so this should be making its way in stores as well if it hasn't already. Target.com likes to say some items are online only despite being available in store. But the good news is that Ulta has just added the entire collection online, which means it is or will be in stores soon. Ulta currently has a BOGO 50% off sale on SheaMoisture but online this collection is excluded since it's new. If in store I'm sure the sale applies or with a little effort a Manager would probably have no problem extending the sale to this collection as well.

This entire collection was in September's CurlBox. Then for October the entire new Marula line from Carol's Daughter was included and that just so happens to be my other fave brand. *GASP* I didn't think getting a subscription would be worth it but at $20 monthly it has continually proven to be an excellent deal. So needless to say I will be subscribing to Curlbox the first chance I get, which happens to be this Saturday, October 25th starting at 3pm EST. There are only a limited number of subscriptions available so mark your calendars if you are interested. I know I will be. But in the meantime, I will try to track down SheaMoisture's JBCO line because I'm very interested in trying the leave in conditioner.

Happy Hunting!

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